Below is an example of the responses we recieved, then after that are the full results for each question, and how this affected our final changes.
Did you enjoy our film opening?
14/15 people answered yes
What genre do you think this film opening is? (open question)
horror- 12
psychological horror - 2
psychological thriller - 1
This proves that our piece clearly communicated its genre which confirms that we accurately used all of the codes and conventions of horror that we researched.
Do you think the font for our credits fits with the genre of the opening?
Yes - 13
Didn't like the colour/the red was too bright - 2
Although 2 people said they thought the red was too bright in comparison to the black and white footage, we decided that because this was such a minority we would keep our stylistic choice as it is shocking to the audience and provides a strong contrast and makes the audience feel slighly uncomfortable.
What would you change to improve it? (open question)
Although this was an open question we did recieve many similar answers
Many of the suggestions for improvements were differences of opinion such as the red font and the black and white and because these are so key to the style of our piece we decided to keep them how they are.
Quite a few of the responses were in relation to the actual footage, meaning to change them we would have to re-film, which would be impossible within our timescale. However we have decided to make some final adjustments to the part with the mirror as although we can't change the footage we will try to add some sort of sound effect when she sees her to add more shock to that moment.
We are also going to adjust the sound at the end as although we initially wanted silence we have now decided to have sudden loud noise to shock teh audience and make them feel uncomfortable.
What was your favourite part? (open question)
This also recieved many similar answers.
The most popular part of our opening was the end, which we have decided to slightly adjust to make the most of the climatic moment in order to maximise the impact on the audience, making them want to watch the film.
The mirror part and the music were also popular so we have kept the music exactly how it was and added more sound effect to the mirror part to make the most of the shock to the audience
What was your least favourite part? (open question)
We have again grouped similar answers to provide quantitative data which we can the represent and analyse
We are going to re-adjust the end section which includes the title. We are going to reorder the footage and the title so that it has a more shocking impact on the audience.
We are nto going to change the black and white as we have researched this stylistic choice, and although it does not appeal to all of our target audience, it provides a unique selling point for our film and the rest of the film would not all be in black and white.
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